Thursday, November 15, 2012

Swimming Gala

Wednesday November 14th saw Jordan and Liam compete in their first swimming gala.  It was held at the Royal Brunei Sports Club (of which we are members and attend regularly).  All children from Year 3 - Year 6 were encouraged to compete for the day.  Earlier in the school year Jordy became Yellow Team captain (house captain) so this gave him a role on the day of encouraging and supporting all Yellow Team members,  a role he undertook with vigour and determination.  Fortunately he hadn't entered into many swimming races so he had time to walk up and down with a sign he had made and dance to the fabulous music they had playing.  Liam competed well in freestyle, breathstroke and relay,  which his team won.  The Year 4 boys (Liam and his mates) were enjoying the music so much at one stage that they started a flash mob encouraged and joined by the Primary Principal, the swimming races had to stop because they couldn't hear the starter, much to the embarrasment of the Principal!!!   The Men of Primary (MOP) all the male primary teachers entertained the children (and parents) with their version of synchronised swimming.  A great laugh was had by all. Overall it was a very well organised day thoroughly enjoyed by both my boys and myself,  although we were all very tired that night from a long day out in the sun.

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