Saturday, July 21, 2012

Jerudong Park and Beach

We have been promising to take Liam to Jerudong Park since he went to a birthday party there and thoroughly enjoyed it.  The park used to be an amusement park in Brunei but as per everything else was not upkept and now there is limited rides but an amazing underutilized space.  The park opens at 4pm which is a good time due to the heat.  We arrived at the park and had been playing touch rugby for about 10 minutes when a security guard came over to tell us the park was in fact shut today as it was the Sultans Birthday but it would be open tomorrow.  Liam was obviously disappointed by this news so we packed up and went to the beach, where we played touch, dug sandcastles and had tea at one of the only Fish and Chip restaurants in Brunei, great view but disappointing fish and chips!!  (Will have to wait for NZ to have real ones again).  The next day was a public holiday in Brunei for the Sultans Birthday so we headed back to the park to play the promised games of sport for Liam.

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