Sunday, August 26, 2012

Early Bday in Siam Reap

We decided to celebrate my birthday a week early as we thought it was better to do it while we are on holiday. It was as Liam says 'the best day of his life'. After breakfast we were thinking of things to do and decided to go on a wee tour with a tuk tuk driver. We first went to the "Crocodile Farm", not really much of a farm as more of a concrete jungle. I never knew crocodiles could sleep with their heads raised and mouths open. The condition of the pits was really poor and I would not recommend going to it. However, it was Liam's highlight of the trip.
Liam saw a sign were you could buy a chicken ($10), duck ($7) or 1kg of fish to feed the crocs, he pleaded for us to buy a chicken. Amanda was totally against as I was at first but Liam kept on insisting. So we bought a chicken and waited for them to catch it. Once caught it was given to the tuk tuk driver who wanted to pass it to me, but I didn't really want to hold it so he took it to the pit we selected and threw it in. It took a while for the crocs to register and even then they were not overly interested so the tuk tuk driver used a stick to encourage the chicken nearer the danger area. It really was fun to see it, CHOMP! Click the link to see the video

After we returned we went to a great local tin shack restaurant called the Green Chilli. They have the most delicious spring rolls. Liam came all the way to Cambodia to finally get a real hamburger it looked great and he was happy. Once we finished lunch Liam wanted to get a massage so we were going to go back to the place we had been to for their fish spa previously but found one closer. Amanda had a 30minute massage while I watched the boys have their 20min fish spa. Once the spa had finished the boys went to have a 20minute massage with the girls (starting young). I was having a 60minute massage which was fantastic although she did bend me a few times which was abit rough.

After the boys massage they went for a swim with Amanda while I finished off and went to the market. I met them once again at the Temple Bar where Liam was able to play pool, drink Sprite out of a bottle and eat pizza! No wonder Liam thought this was the best day ever.

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