Wednesday, October 24, 2012

End of season- Cricket

Well it was the end of the season on the 20/10/12 and we were to take on another Indian team in 20/20 again. We were lucky as this time the field was dry, some weeks we have players playing in football boots while fielding as it is extremely wet and slippery. With our record standing at 100% (loss) we were hoping for some inspiration especially since we just lost by 8 runs in the previous game (against another Indian team). We did find it, but it came in the form of one of their opening batsman who use to play for the Pakistan under 19s. My god he smacked us around!. They ended up with 197 far too much for us to chase, but we gave it a good go. I was batting at 4 and had scored always in the high 20s so wanted to get a big score this time. Our openers went out in the first 2 overs and then I was in, a little earlier than I thought. It was warm probably about 38-40 in the middle but Amanda was fine in the shade under a tree. I ended up with 35, 2 sixes, 4 fours but I was running out of partners and went for 1 six too many. Oh well maybe next year we will win. We ended up with 126.
Amanda does not like our lilac tops but we do stand out in them. It was really good seeing Liam in the nets playing cricket with one of his friends as this is not a popular sport in Brunei so he never gets the chance to play apart from with me on the drive. Jordy enjoyed the morning playing with another Jordy.

I am wearing the grey hat, it is hard to tell as so far away!

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