Sunday, October 28, 2012

Laser Surgery on My Eyes

The time had finally arrived for me to leave for KL (26/10/12) John was picking me up and I was to stay at his apartment. It was really good seeing him again as especially I was now in his new domain and not back in CHCH. Once he picked me up we dropped my bag off at his place and had a couple of beers. We went down to have a late lunch at Chinatown and a few more beers. I was able to buy a football strip for Liam and a Ferrai top for Jordy. Not enough time to buy something for me or Amanda!. We went back to his place and then went out to meet up with some of his mates. It was really good to go to a pub with live music, however quite smokey.
Saturday came around and we went out for breakfast before I was due to get my eye examination at optimax. Once finished I walked to optimax and John went home. I was at optimax at 10am and they were absolutely brilliant. I had a 2 hour exam and then waited for about 30 odd minutes before my laser surgery. I had lovely pink, yes pink surgical pants and top to put on as they seemed to be the largest and even they were a bit tight. It was not the most pleasant feeling a doctor playing with your eyes and at times it was very uncomfortable but not painful. Once finished I waited for an hour with my eyes really irritated and crying the whole time. The girls were amazing looking after me and they went and got me some lunch aswell. Once I got my check up John was outside waiting so we went back to the apartment were my eyes were slowy feeling better. Had a rest for about 30 minutes and my eyes were a whole lot better. We went out for tea before John went out for some drinks with his friends. I probably could have gone but I didn't want to risk anything. Next day I was even better and John drove me the airport for my flight back to Brunei.
I really enjoyed seeing John again and was good to catch up for a beer, he really went out of his way to help me for the weekend.

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