Sunday, October 7, 2012

Arriving back in KL. Chinatown

We ended up going on holiday in KL for 5 nights. We stayed at the Miri Marriot the night before we flew out. We decided to go to KL as we were going to met up with a John who works there. He also mentioned we could use his driver so that would save us a lot of money as Cambodia was an expensive holiday. Unfortunately it did not turn out that way, after waiting at the airport for an hour and no sign of his driver we decided to catch a cab. For the record we didn't met up with John as he kept changing the days so the last night we just flagged it, which is disappointing.
Our first day we went down to KLCC to have a look and the boys wanted to go to Toys R Us (what a surprise). The next day we took the MRT to Chinatown. The boys did so much better this time as they are now use to the high temperatures. A few things purchased and a beautiful lunch with beer. When we went back to the hotel we had our only swim in the hotel pool which is a surprise but we never really felt like swimming.

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