Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cricket and Touch in the Tropics

After many years of being injured and having no time I have begun playing cricket and touch in Brunei. In Brunei the CFBT team has only won a couple of games in 3 years so expectations are not high. They do only play about four 40 over games and then 20/20 matches. When I was younger and watching the likes of Martin Crowe in India and sweat pouring off them and them losing concentration I thought "harden up", but I can tell you it is the hardest sporting focus I have had to do. We were playing an Indian team so straight away we were going to lose. Put into bat first I was at number 5. Within 7 overs I was in bat. Nervous as hell as I hadn't played for about 12 years. Struggled initially but began to gather runs, it had got to about 10.30 in the morning at it was about 34 degrees I thought it was about 134. But I lasted 24 overs in this heat and made 24, second top score. Got bowled, I couldn't see the ball and I got really sick and tired of running so I had an unorthodox smack, obviously it didn't go to well. We lost, but only by 2 wickets so we went pretty well.
Touch at the kids school on Thursdays at 5pm, we have been meaning to go and play but drinking got in the way as it is technically my Friday night. Amanda has been down a few times and played in a tournament (the only day it rained all day) and did pretty well. So I dragged my body down there and had a great time. My legs were not running as fast as they use to but I still managed 2 tries as opposed to Amandas zero tries. My god it was warm playing! No subs as they play either 5/6/or 7 aside and we had 12 players and 1 ref so it was 6v6. Iwas gasping for air on many occasions and when I wasn't it was because I couldn't. A great thing to do here though, so it will now become a regular thing as long as the body lasts. Now to get down to 5 aside soccer on Monday nights after Liam's football training!

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