Thursday, May 10, 2012


Liam looks like he doesn't like it! He did it, really proud of him
Jordy did so well, good stuff Jordan!

Our trip up Penang Hill, overlooking the city

Our first trip we went to Penang, we heard it was a lovely place which it was. We stayed to far out of the main loop to take full advantage of things but it was great to get out of Brunei. The boys loved it especially the snakes. We stayed near the only mall owned by Muslims so there was no alcohol in the shops (typical) so it cost more to drink at a great pub we found and some restaurants. Highly recommend staying in Georgetown as everything is there. Went for a tour with the boys on a trishaw it got very hot but a great way to see the place. The snake temple was cool but the snakes seemed like they were high as not to much movement was going on with them.

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