Friday, June 29, 2012

Brunei Junior Sports League

With the international school year coming to an end the BJSL organised one last tournament.  Liam played touch in the year 5 team (two years above his age).  In Brunei only boys can play touch, girls have to play netball much to the disappointment of many expat kiwi girls.  Once again with no logic applied the tournament was held on Thursday from 11am - 2pm the hottest part of the day, it had already reached 35 degrees well before 11am.  The tournament was held at JIS the other international school in Brunei.  It is abit like Canterbury v Auckland in competitiveness with each school believing they are better than the other.  To this end our first game was verse JIS and the referee was from JIS.  When they scored an offside try some words of advice were offered from our sideline.  The ref then replied I was only a female and didn't no anything about touch or the rules.  Obviously this statement didn't go well for him and the teacher in charge of Liams team then had a rather heated discussion with him about this statement.  At this stage I offered to referee the game for him, much to his annoyance.  The discussion then esculated and ended up with Liams teacher telling him I had played touch at an international level and did no what I was talking about, not sure why he said that, but it was extremely entertaining to see the referees face after that.  From then on the tournament went better for us as every time I yelled something he took notice and did what I said.  That will teach him for saying I was only a female!!!  The boys did really well but were totally exhausted by the last game.  It was a great opportunity for Liam to once again play in the tropics against many nationalities and abilities.

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