Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My School

My school is called Sultan Sharif Ali and it is a very interesting school. I am the form teacher of a fantastic (loose term) class. There is at the time of this photo 19 boys and 12 girls. Many of them could have some great learning opportunities but they still need to develop their learning skills which they lack big time. It is a system dominated by summative assessment and not formative assessment which does not help the students at all. But with the gradual increase of formative assessment the ideal balance seems to be getting closer. I got use to the heat in the classrooms pretty quickly as there is only fans and no air conditioning. The Principal is a top guy, he is working hard to ensure the students get a positive and well balanced education. One of his mottos is that "His door is always open" and it is very true which is great for the school environment. I work with 4 other CFBT teaachers and the rest are local teachers.
See how they don't like working in groups. I do try!

Segregation, boys - girls

Must be hot for the girls in their baju's and tutongs

The walls are dirty, we are not allowed to stick things on them but I have begun too!

Looks just like Christchurch Mens Prison in the background (East Wing)

They're pretty good kids!

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