Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Park Visit

We decided to go early one morning to the local park, unfortunately we didn't go early enough as after only about 10 minutes of cricket and touch rugby the heat was unbeared.  Next time we will have to go at 6.30am.  The boys had a great time though and loved our local restaurant breakfast on the way home. Going out for breakfast is a favourite pastime of locals in Brunei and is very cheap $15 for all four of us including drinks. Eating out local food is very cheap, expat food is quite expensive.  As there is not much entertainment in Brunei eating out is very popular with the locals.  Below  photos of the park, (which we were the only people at) and once again magnificant features but have not been looked after.

The boys had a great time ripsticking down this marble path

Exercise equipment (rearly used)

199 - Yeah right!!  Too hot

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